Right now, a series of 7 of their windows feature scenes from ABC's show "Once Upon A Time." The show is about a town called "Storybrooke," where the townspeople are actually characters from various fairy tales.
The first window is a screen advertising the show, and posters of all the characters: Rumpelstiltskin, The Evil Queen, The Hope, Snow White, and the Prince.
The rest show scenes from all the fairy tales: sleighing the dragon, being rescued by the prince, and the queen reveling in evil.
While I do think yes, these are rather commercial since they advertise a television show, but they are still very interesting to look at. They stop passersby and shoppers in their tracks. Perhaps they evoke a sense of nostalgia for childhood when every girl wanted to be a princess. Or perhaps they see that red leather jacket and think I NEED THAT. Either way, such creativity draws consumers into the stores. And if it is that leather jacket you want, the brands of all the clothes are listed on the windows along with the floors they can be found on.